目的对北京市某医院老年病房的一起诺如病毒感染性腹泻暴发疫情进行调查和分析,为防治诺如病毒感染性腹泻提供科学依据。方法采用现场流行病学调查方法,了解疫情发生特征、临床表现、采集标本,应用荧光定量PCR法对粪便标本进行实验室检测。结果此次疫情从2013年1月17日起到21日结束,共确诊病例18例。6件粪便标本中检出5件诺如病毒核酸阳性,阳性率83.33%,其中2件阳性标本经基因测序分析为诺如病毒GⅡ.4/Sydey 2012变异株。结论此次诺如病毒感染性腹泻暴发疫情可能是由于水污染和密切接触导致传播,通过采取加强饮食饮水卫生管理、隔离病人、加强消毒、加强院内感染管理等综合措施后疫情中止。
Objective To perform investigation and analysis on the status of a Norovirus diarrhea outbreak occurring in a geriatric ward of a hospital in Beijing, in order to provide basis for its prevention and cure. Methods The epidemic and clinical situations were collected by epidemiological investigation and the samples were examined by FQ-PCR. Results A total of 18 individuals were involved in the epidemic occurred from Jan 17 to 21. Among the 7 collected ordure samples, the positive rate is 83.33% , 2 pieces of positive samples by gene sequencing analysis of is New Norovirus Strain GII. 4 Sydney 2012. Conclusion The outbreak of norovirus induced infectious diarrhea was probably due to the consumption of the contaminated water and close contact. In addition to general sanitation measures, treatment of patients and nosocomial infection control, we cleaned pipeline and no new case was then found.
Capital Journal of Public Health