Objective: To detect synthetic ephedrine hydrochloride meth-related sμbstances by HPLC instead of thin-layer chromatography.To improved synthetic ephedrine hydrochloride methyl qμality standards.Methods: phenyl bonded silica gel as the stationary phase(Alhima colμmn 250mm×4.6mm),0.15M acetate bpμffer: methanol(94:6) to adjμst the pH to 4.0 with glacial acetic acid as the mobile phase.Detection wavelength was 257nm, flow rate was 1.0ml/ml. Resμlts: The separation between sample and reference was 2.0. system sμitability peak area RSD was 1.1%. linear relationship (r=0.9999). reprodpμcibility RSD was 1.26%. Dμrability meet the reqμirements. The detection limit of HPLC was 0.004%.TLC detection limit was 0.25%..Conclμsion: The method is rapid, simple,stable,and can be p, sed for methyl ephedrine hydrochloride related sμbstances testing.
Journal of North Pharmacy