
恐怖谷理论及其对于数码影像艺术角色设计的意义 被引量:3

The Uncanny Valley Theory and Its Significance to the Role Design in Digital Video Arts
摘要 1970年,日本机器人专家森政弘提出了"恐怖谷理论",它推测,机器人及其他类人仿真物的外观和动作越逼真,人们对其亲和度也会越高,当逼真性到达一个较高的临界点,亲和度会陡然下降直至最低点。近几年,恐怖谷理论成为西方新的研究热点,越来越多的研究成果支持这一理论的合理性。恐怖谷理论对于数码影像艺术角色设计有显著的指导意义。设计者应该注意规避和利用恐怖谷效应,既要防止跌入恐怖谷,又要利用恐怖谷曲线去追求特定的角色虚拟效果。 In 1970 , the uncanny valley theory was proposed by a Japanese robotic expert named Masahiro Mori.It hypothesizes that the more human-like robots and other hominine simulation ob-jects become in appearance and motion , the more positive the humans'emotional reactions towards them become.This trend continues until a certain point is reached beyond which the emotional re-sponses quickly drop to the lowest.In recent years , the uncanny valley theory has become a new hotspot in the Western academic circle , and more and more researches support the rationality of this theory.To the role design in the digital video arts , the uncanny valley theory has an obvious guiding significance.Creators should pay more attentions , avoiding falling into the uncanny valley on the one hand while pursuing the specific effects of virtual roles according to the uncanny valley curve on the other.
作者 张经武
出处 《文化艺术研究》 2014年第1期111-118,共8页 Studies in Culture and Art
基金 2013年度国家社科基金艺术学项目"数码艺术潜学科群研究"(批准号:13BA008)研究成果之一
关键词 恐怖谷理论 数码影像艺术 角色设计 规避与利用 uncanny valley theory digital video arts role design evasion and utilization
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