
插电式混合动力电动汽车能耗特征研究 被引量:2

A Research on the Energy Consumption Characteristics of Plug-in HEV
摘要 通过法规试验和道路试验对插电式混合动力电动汽车(PHEV)的能耗特征和影响因素进行了研究。法规试验采用欧洲试验方法;道路试验组织多辆PHEV在天津市由用户按日常出行方式驾驶,获取燃料消耗、电量消耗和行驶工况等数据。结果表明,PHEV的能耗与1次充电行驶里程密切相关,而通过对法规试验进行扩展,能得出接近常温状态下实际使用PHEV的能耗曲线。环境温度的变化和空调使用对PHEV能耗有较大的影响。为了更好地反映实际能耗,有必要在法规中补充空调试验。 In this paper,the characteristics of energy consumption and its influencing factors of plug-in hy- brid electric vehicles are studied through regulation test and road test. The regulation test is done as per European regulation ECE R101 and in road tests, several PHEVs are organized to run in daily driving mode by owners in Tianjin with fuel and electricity consumptions as well as driving conditions data obtained. The results show that the energy consumption of PHEV is closely related to its rated range and the energy consumption curve of PHEV in real operation close to normal temperature state can be obtained by expanding regulation tests. The change in ambient temperature and the use of air conditioner have great effects on the energy consumption of PHEV and thus for better reflecting real energy consumption, it is essential to add air conditioner test in related regulation.
出处 《汽车工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期394-397,408,共5页 Automotive Engineering
基金 国家863高技术项目(2011AA11A286)资助
关键词 插电式混合动力电动汽车 燃料消耗量 电量消耗量 续驶里程 PHEV fuel consumption electricity consumption rated range
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