

Cooperation cognitive radio spectrum sensing based on elite opposition-based group search optimization
摘要 文章提出了一种基于精英反向学习群搜索算法的协同频谱感知方法,并与传统的群搜索算法感知进行了仿真比较,由于利用种群精英粒子本身携带的优良信息,并根据反向学习策略生成了新的精英种群,极大地优化了种群粒子的质量,增大了搜索的有效范围,在仿真结果中表现出了更好检测性能。 The paper proposes a method of cooperation cognitive radio spectrum sensing based on elite opposition-based group search optimization, in addition, compared to spectrum sensing based on traditional group search optimization, as the elite particles carry lots of helpful information, and they will generate a new population with opposition-based learning method, which optimize the quality of the population greatly, all of that also make hunting zone large and more effective, the simulation reflects better performance detection.
作者 袁超
出处 《企业技术开发》 2014年第4期13-16,24,共5页 Technological Development of Enterprise
关键词 精英反向学习 群搜索算法 认知无线电 频谱感知 elite opposition-based learning group search optimization cognitive radio spectrum sensing
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