
有限元模拟FRP筋混凝土双向板的冲切过程 被引量:3

Finite Element Simulation on the Punching Process of FRP Reinforced Concrete Two-way Slabs
摘要 为了探索运用有限元分析法研究集中荷载作用下纤维增强塑料(Fiber Reinforced Polymer,FRP)筋混凝土双向板的冲切受力性能的可行性,运用ANSYS软件建立了FRP筋混凝土双向板的有限元模型,并模拟了FRP筋混凝土双向板在集中荷载作用下从加载开始到发生冲切破坏的整个受力过程,得到了FRP筋混凝土板ANSYS分析的荷载-挠度(P-w)曲线,并将其与偏置集中荷载作用下FRP筋混凝土双向板的冲切试验研究所得P-w曲线进行对比分析。对比成果表明:ANSYS分析P-w曲线与试验P-w曲线吻合较好,在研究FRP筋混凝土双向板的冲切破坏机理时,运用ANSYS软件模拟分析替代部分冲切试验研究是行之有效的新途径。对FRP筋混凝土双向板冲切受力过程的P-w曲线进行分析,得知集中荷载作用下FRP筋混凝土双向板的破坏是发生在板局部的脆性破坏,混凝土强度、筋材、配筋率、荷载位置等因素是影响P-w曲线形状、最高点、曲线斜率的主要因素。 In this research, we explored the feasibility of using finite element method to research the punching shear performance of FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) bar reinforced concrete two-way slab under concentrated loads. The finite element model of FRP bar concrete two-way slabs was established by using ANSYS software, and the slab' s punching shear failure process was simulated. The P-w curves ( load-deflection curves) in ANSYS simulation were obtained and were further compared with curves obtained from offset concentrated load tests. Results revealed that the simulation curves were in good agreement with test curves, which indicated that ANSYS simulation in substitution of partial punching shear tests is feasible. Furthermore, analysis on the P-w curves showed that the punching failure of FRP bar concrete two-way slab under concentrated load is a local brittle failure, and concrete strength, material, reinforcement ratio, as well as load location are the main factors affecting the shape, highest point, and slope of the P-w curves.
出处 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期87-91,共5页 Journal of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute
关键词 纤维增强塑料 混凝土板 冲切 ANSYS 有限元 fiber reinforced polymer concrete slab punching ANSYS finite element
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