
丛式水平井组整体压裂裂缝监测方案优选及应用 被引量:2

Optimization and Application of Integral Fracturing Monitoring Method of Cluster Horizontal Well Group
摘要 针对华北分公司大牛地气田开展丛式水平井组整体压裂工艺试验应用现状,开展裂缝监测方案的优选及应用,目的是验证米字型井网压裂裂缝形态,实时监测压裂参数,确定裂缝实际几何学特征,同步优化调整施工参数。综合考虑井组井场情况,对国内外常用的5种裂缝监测方法展开优化研究,形成丛式水平井组"地面微地震+井下微地震+地面测斜仪"复合监测方法,现场通过对6井次49井段的监测,探索出适合华北分公司致密砂岩气藏利用裂缝监测指导水平井组压裂开发的有效途径。 According to the condition of using integral fracturing technology of cluster horizontal well group in Daniudi gasfield, this paper develops fracturing monitoring optimization and application. The purpose of that is to determine M -type fracturing state, real -time monitor fracturing parameter, get the geometry characteristics and optimize construction parameter. According to the real condition, this paper researches 5 kinds fracturing monitoring method so as to form cluster horizontal well group composite monitoring method which is combined with ground microseismic, ground microseismic and ground inclinometer. Through spot using, we have got effective way to make fracturing monitoring which is suitable for dense sandstone gas reservoir.
作者 李国锋
出处 《重庆科技学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第3期23-25,28,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology:Natural Sciences Edition
基金 国家重大专项"大型油气田和煤层气开发"(2011ZX05045)
关键词 丛式水平井组 整体压裂 裂缝监测 井下微地震 地面微地震 地面测斜仪 cluster horizontal well group integral fracturing fracturing monitoring downhole microseismic ground microseismic ground inclinometer
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