
跨国公司逆向知识转移母公司影响因素的前沿研究 被引量:5

Review on the Parent Enterprises' Factors in the Reverse Knowledge Transfer in MNEs
摘要 跨国公司对外投资逐渐关注战略性资源寻求,其中知识寻求日益受到重视,并借由子公司向母公司的逆向知识转移获取东道国先进知识资源,因此探讨逆向知识转移影响因素成为备受关注的课题。文章从研究该论题的主要文献入手,探讨了母公司战略组织和能力制度两类因素对逆向知识转移的积极调控作用,前者包括国际化战略导向和母子公司控制程度,后者包含吸收能力和转移支持制度,同时在总结现有研究特点基础上还对未来研究方向进行了展望。 The investing motivation of multinational enterprises has emphasized on strategic resources seeking, especially the knowledge-seeking motivation. Therefore, the MNEs would prefer the reverse knowledge transfer to meeting their knowledge resource needs from the host countries. The researches on reverse knowledge transfer have won more and more attention. So this paper has made a review on the main articles discussing reverse knowledge transfer, and has summarized the strategic factors and the capability factors of parent enterprises which have made a vital and direct effect on the reverse knowledge transfer. Specifically, the strategic factors contain the international investing strategy of parent companies and the controlling degree to the subsidiaries in the host country, while the capability factors refer to the absorptive capability and the institute environment. Finally, based on the review of the recent and main articles, we have also made forecast on the future researching trend in the theme of reverse knowledge transfer.
出处 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期60-67,共8页 Journal of Business Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"创造性资产寻求型跨国并购的主要影响因素和运作推进机制研究"(12AZD034) 国家社会科学基金项目"我国企业跨国并购中的逆向知识转移研究"(11BGL044) 教育部人文社科青年基金项目"吸收能力 内部制度环境与跨国公司逆向知识转移:基于中国海外投资企业的实证研究"(13YJC630026) 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目"生产性服务业外商投资知识溢出的影响因素和效应研究"(31541310801)
关键词 跨国公司 逆向知识转移 母公司 影响因素 multinational enterprises reverse knowledge transfer parent enterprises the effective factors
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