
百草枯降解菌的分离鉴定及降解特性研究 被引量:2

Isolation of Paraquat Degrading Bacteria and Identification of Degradation Characteristics
摘要 从沾化百草枯污染土壤中富集、筛选、分离出3株具有百草枯降解能力的菌株,进一步研究了这3株优势菌的生理生化特征及最佳生长条件。通过形态学观察和生理生化指标的测定,对这3株菌种进行鉴定,初步确定:BCK-1为颤螺菌属,BCK-2为梭菌属,BCK-3为芽孢盐杆菌属。这3株菌株在37℃培养3d后,发现这3株菌株(BCK-1,BCK-2,BCK-3)对百草枯的降解率分别为79.35%、80.26%和86.22%。3株优势菌种可应用于受百草枯污染的菌源土壤的生物恢复。 Three strains were isolated from the Zhanhua paraquat contaminated soil,and optimal growth con-ditions were further studied on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of the three dominant bac-teria. The Determination by morphological observation,physiological and biochemical indicators were identi-fied,these three strains are initially identified BCK-1 Oscillosporia Chatton&Perard,BCK-2 for Clostridium Prazmowski,BCK-3 Sporohalobacter Orenetal. These three strains at 37℃ after 3d found three strains (BCK-1,BCK-2,BCK-3)and the degradation rate of paraquat were 79.35%,80.26% and 86.22%,respective-ly. The three dominant strain can be applied to paraquat contaminated bacteria source soil biological recov-ery.
出处 《安徽农学通报》 2014年第8期38-39,51,共3页 Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 滨州学院国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201210449110)
关键词 百草枯降解菌 分离 鉴定 Paraquat degrading bacteria Separate Appraisal
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