
内蒙古小伊诺盖沟—建设屯地区遥感地质特征及金多金属找矿方向 被引量:3

Remote sensing geological characteristics in Xiaoyinuogaigou-Jianshetun district of Inner Mongolia and prospecting directions of polymetallic mineral deposits
摘要 小伊诺盖沟—建设屯地区位于大兴安岭北部额尔古纳成矿带内,受北东向得尔布干深大断裂控制,是一个与中生代构造—中酸性岩浆活动有关的金多金属找矿有利地区,相继在小伊诺盖沟、六卡沟、红水泉、阿多得里呀山、格鲁其堆山等地区发现了金铅锌矿体。为更好地在该区开展金多金属找矿工作,利用Landsat ETM+影像数据进行了1∶5万遥感地质解译工作,大致厘清了该区地质构造格架及各种控矿因素的遥感解译特征。多金属成矿作用在空间上总体受北东向深大断裂带控制,矿化体处于北东向和北西向断裂构造的交汇部位及环形构造内,发育有蚀变脉带(区)及地球化学异常,六卡沟—地营子、格鲁其堆山—五卡、永胜—建设、德尔布地区是下一步金多金属找矿的重点地区。 Xiaoyinuogaigou-Jianshetun district locates in the northern part of Ergun metallogenic belt ,and is con-trolled by NE-striking Derbugan fault .It is a potential prospecting area for polymetallic mineral deposits related to Mesozoic structures-intermediate acid magmatic activities ,and Au and Pb-Zn ore bodies are found in Xiaoyinuogaigou , Liukagou ,Hongshuiquan ,Aduodeliyashan and Geluqiduishan in this area .In order to develop prospecting of polymetal-lic mineral deposits ,1∶50 000 remote geological interpreting work is carried out using Landsat ETM data , in general clarifying the characteristics of the geological structures and major ore-controlling elements in this area .In space poly-metallic metallogenesis is mainly controlled by NE-striking great fault ,and mineralization occurrs in the intersection of NE-striking and NW-striking faults and ring-shaped structures .The mineralization matches alteration zone and geo-chemical anomaly.It suggests that Liukagou-Diyingzi,Geluqiduishan-Wuka,Yongsheng-Jianshe and Derbu are impor-tant areas for polymetallic mineral deposit prospecting .
出处 《黄金》 CAS 2014年第5期16-21,共6页 Gold
基金 武警黄金指挥部战略地质调查项目(20130303)
关键词 多金属 遥感地质特征 找矿方向 小伊诺盖沟-建设屯地区 内蒙古 Au polymetallic remote sensing geological characteristics prospecting direction Xiaoyinuogaigou-Jianshetun district Inner Mongolia
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