
基于RS的安宁河上游植被覆盖时空变化研究 被引量:36

Temporal and Spatial Variation of Vegetation Coverage on Upper Anning River Based on RS
摘要 以TM和ETM+遥感影像为数据源,利用RS和GIS技术,提取和分析了1999—2010年安宁河上游植被覆盖度及其时空变化特征,并结合Aster DEM数据分析了不同海拔高度带和坡度带的植被覆盖分布及变化特征。研究结果表明,研究区植被覆盖状况总体较好,植被覆盖度fc≥0.5的区域面积占研究区总面积的比例达60%以上;研究区植被覆盖度总体呈增加趋势,Ⅰ级(fc≥0.7)、Ⅱ级(0.5 ≤fc<0.7)和Ⅲ级(0.3≤fc<0.5)植被覆盖度区域面积分别增加了1.24%、4.36%和2.28%,而Ⅳ级(0.1≤fc<0.3)和Ⅴ级(fc<0.1)植被覆盖度区域面积呈减少特征,分别减少了25.72%和12.28%;植被覆盖度较低的区域主要分布在海拔高度相对较低的地带,随着海拔高度的升高植被覆盖度呈现出先增加后减少的趋势,海拔高度低于3000m的地带植被覆盖变化较为明显,主要表现为低植被覆盖度向高植被覆盖度转化,其中海拔高度低于2500m的地带变化最为显著,海拔高度大于3000m的地带受人为活动影响小,植被覆盖变化相对较小;研究区植被覆盖度较高的区域主要分布在坡度相对较陡的地带,而植被覆盖度较低的区域主要分布在坡度相对较缓的地带,植被覆盖度变化较为明显的区域主要集中在坡度25°~45°的地带,其次是坡度0°~25°的地带;坡度45°以上的地带受人为活动影响小,植被覆盖变化不明显;受水热条件的影响,研究区植被覆盖度随坡向的变化特征呈现从大到小依次为阳坡(135°~225°)、半阳坡(45°~135°)、半阴坡(225°~315°)、阴坡(0°~45°,315°~360°),1999—2010年各坡向地带的植被覆盖度均有不同程度的提高,其中,阳坡提高幅度相对较大,阴坡提高幅度相对较小。 In order to reveal the temporal and spatial variation on vegetation coverage and provide evidence for ecological environment construction on the upper Anning River, the temporal and spatial variation on vegetation coverage, during 1999-2010, on the upper Anning River was extracted and analyzed based on two periods of remote sensing images (TM in 1999, ETM+ in 2010), which was based on RS and GIS technology. Meanwhile, combined with Aster DEM data, the vegetation distribution and its variation characteristics in different altitude and slope regions were also analyzed. The results showed that the vegetation coverage condition in study area overall was good. And the area of vegetation coverage (fc) above 0.5 was more than 60%. Besides, a trend emerged during 11 years in the study area that vegetation cover overall increased. The area of first grade vegetation coverage (fc≥0.7), second grade vegetation coverage (0.5≤fc〈0.7) and third grade vegetation coverage (0.3≤fc〈0.5) increased by 1.24%, 4.36% and 2.28%, respectively. However, the area of fourth grade vegetation coverage (0.1≤fc〈0.3) and fifth grade vegetation coverage (fc〈0.1) reduced by 25.72% and 12.28%, respectively. Low vegetation coverage was mainly distributed in relatively low altitude areas. With the increase of altitude, vegetation cover increased firstly and then decreased. Variation on vegetation coverage that low vegetation coverage was transformed into high vegetation cover degree was obvious in regions below 3000m, especially lower than 2500m. With influenced less by human activity, vegetation cover above 3000m seemed to hold relatively little change. High vegetation cover was mainly located in high slope regions, while low vegetation cover was mainly located in relatively moderate slope regions. An obvious variation on vegetation coverage was concentrated in regions with slope range from 25° to 45°, regions below 25° ranked secondly. While no obvious change of vegetation cover in regions with slope above 45° appeared, with less influenced by human activity. Under hydrothermal condition,the vegetation coverage on aspect is sunny slope (135°-225°)〉 half sunny slope (45°-135°)〉 half shady slope (225°-315°)〉 shady slope (0°-45°, 315°-360°); the vegetation coverage increased in each aspect from 1999 to 2010, and sunny slope increased significantly while no obvious increase on shady slope.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期205-215,共11页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2008BAK51B02) 四川省科技支撑计划资助项目(2013SZ0110)
关键词 植被覆盖度 时空变化 遥感 地理信息系统 Vegetation coverage Temporal and spatial variation RS GIS
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