
多元动态之读写理论:阅读战争之后美国阅读理论的走向 被引量:2

Multidynamic Literacy Theory:A New Theoretical Stance of American Early Childhood Literacy Instruction Philosophy
摘要 自20世纪70年代以来,关于什么是最好的儿童早期读写教育的理念与方法问题,美国技巧导向教学模式与全语言模式的支持者展开了激烈争论,史称"阅读战争"。随后,平衡取向的读写理论兴起,缓和了二者的冲突,但相关的争论和研究并没有停止。在对各种理论系统研究和"扬弃"的基础上,多元动态之读写理论成为阅读战争之后又一新的派别。该理论要求用高质量的文学作品来直接地教学必要的读写技能、示范阅读理解的策略及通过师生之间、同伴之间的互动来建构意义,力求"一箭三雕",这对克服我国幼儿园和小学程序化、技巧化的语文教学有着重要启发。 Since the 1970s, there has been a controversy - ' reading war' , on what is the best way to teach early childhood literacy between the skill - based approach supporters and the whole lan- guage approach supporters in American language education area. Although the balanced literacy ap- proach has alleviated somehow the conflicts between the two, the controversy continues. Based on systematical research and reflections, recently some researchers have put forward a multidynamic lit- eracy theory. They put authentic children' s literature as a focus of early childhood literacy instruc- tion and require to teach directly the necessary literacy' s skills, to demonstrate comprehension strategies and to construct meaning in the course of the teacher - children' s discussion on litera- ture, which has rich implication to language education in kindergarten and primary school in China.
作者 王海澜
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期87-96,共10页 Global Education
基金 上海市教委2012年科研创新项目"学前儿童读写教育理念及政策改革:中美比较研究"(项目编号:B-7037-12-000040)的阶段成果之一
关键词 儿童语言教育 技巧导向法 全语言教育 平衡取向读写理论 多元动态之读写理 early childhood literacy instruction skill - based approach whole language balancedliteracy approach multidynamic literacy theory
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