
实用艺术作品可版权性的理论逻辑 被引量:30

Theoretical Logics on the Copyrightability of Works of Applied Art
摘要 实用艺术作品的可版权性是版权法中的难题之一。实用艺术作品兼具艺术性和实用性,具有与普通美术作品不同的特性。实用艺术作品的艺术性成分和实用性、功能性成分应当是可分离的,而且只有当这种艺术成分能够独立分离出来时,才能获得版权保护。扎根于思想表达二分法的可分离性成为实用艺术作品版权保护的一个基本原则。我国的可分离标准应当是:物理上不可分离、观念上可分离。对于观念上的可分离性判断,应当站在一般观察者或产品消费者的立场,对作品本身进行观察,判断其是否具有较为显著的艺术性;并且,这种艺术性具有独立存在的价值;即使没有这种艺术性,作品仍然是一件实用作品。在分离出实用艺术作品的艺术成分之后,应适用与其他艺术作品一样的独创性判断标准。 The copyrightability of works of applied art is one of thorny? issues in copyright law. Dif- ferent from the common works of art, works of applied art have both artistic and functional characteris- tics. Artistic composition and practical, functional ingredients in works of applied art shall be separa- ble, and only when such artistic component can be independently isolated, copyright protection could be available. Rooted in the idea - expression dichotomy, the principle of separability becomes a fundamen- tal principle of copyright protection for works of applied art. China' s separability criterion should be: physically not separable, yet conceptually separable. For conceptual separability determination, the standpoint of a general viewer or product consumer shall be exploited, and the work itself shall be ob- served to determine whether it has a more significant artistic characteristic; Moreover, such artistic char- acteristic shall have an independent value to exist; even without such artistic element, the work is still a practical work. After separation of the artistic component of applied art, the same criteria of originality as with other artistic works shall be applied.
作者 吕炳斌
机构地区 南京大学法学院
出处 《比较法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期68-80,共13页 Journal of Comparative Law
基金 南京大学985工程经费资助
关键词 实用艺术作品 版权 实用性 艺术性 可分离性 Works of applied art Copyright functional artistic separability
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