企业的经营战略随着时代的变迁发生了很大的变化。 20世纪60~70年代,企业内部的业务组合管理占主流。随着多元化的发展,形成了综合性的企业集团,如何实现不同业务之间最适当的资源分配成了一个很大的课题。波士顿顾问公司的产品组合矩阵也是在这个时期开发出来的。
Business strategy has undergone great changes with the passage of time.In recent years, three trends have exercised considerable influences on the world's leading enterprises: 1) A few giant groups in industries such as automobile and pharmaceutical have emerged from acquisitions and mergers of the world's big companies and started to monopolize the markets; 2) The disintegration and restructuring of the value chain have eventually enabled various entities to compete in nearly all trades separately controlled by few suppliers; and 3) The rapid development of E-business has dramatically expanded on-line transactions.These trends will influence the business strategy of the Chineseentrepreneurs in two aspects: 1) Faced with the changing markets in China, enterprises can hardly survive and compete successfully without unique strategies. So they have to import not only the leading-edge technology and capitals, but also the advanced strategic thinking; and 2) Globalization of China's market will lead to competition among top Chinese and overseas companies, and China's access to the WTO will intensify such competition.In view of this situation, the Chinese entrepreneurs have to highlight two kinds of business strategies: one is to position itself in the market, that is to say, to clarify its position in the market and competition spectrums; another is to develop the organizational capacity of business strategy.
Foreign Investment in China