This article compliments the S18 session( transmission of traditional ecological knowledge and conservation of medicinal plants) at the 13th International Congress of Ethnobiology( ISE) in Montpellier,France( May2012). The aim of the article is to provide an insight into the livelihoods of a Berber community,a village of the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco,of the local biodiversity and most importantly,the prevalent use of medicinal plants for primary health care. It seeks to demonstrate the value of traditional ecological and herbal knowledge for the subsistence of the community and emphasises the vital role that family and community connections play for the transmission of traditional herbal knowledge within the community.
This article compliments the S18 session (transmission of traditional ecological knowledge and conservation of medicinal plants) at the 13th International Congress of Ethnobiology (ISE) in Montpellier, France ( May 2012). The aim of the article is to provide an insight into the livelihoods of a Berber community, a village of the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, of the local biodiversity and most importantly, the prevalent use of medicinal plants for primary health care. It seeks to demonstrate the value of traditional ecological and herbal knowledge for the subsistence of the community and emphasises the vital role that family and community connections play for the transmission of traditional herbal knowledge within the community.
Plant Diversity