目的研究慢性鼻窦炎鼻息肉患者鼻内镜术后采取综合治疗的临床效果,探讨综合治疗的临床应用价值。方法选取2011年12月至2013年8月我院收治的慢性鼻窦炎鼻息肉患者66例,按随机双盲法将其分成两组,采取单纯使用鼻内镜手术治疗患者30例为对照组,采取鼻内镜手术配合综合疗法治疗患者36例为实验组,分析两组临床治疗效果。结果治疗过程中,两组患者均未出现严重并发症,实验组临床治疗效果为显效20例、有效16例、无效0例,总有效率100%,对照组显效15例、有效10例、无效5例,总有效率83.3%,实验组临床治愈总有效率显著高于对照组,两组差异具有统计学意义(100%VS 83.3%,P<0.05)。结论鼻内镜术后综合疗法治疗慢性鼻窦炎鼻息肉,临床疗效确切,效果显著,值得在临床进一步推广。
Objective To study the chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps after endoscopic sinus surgery the clinical effect of comprehensive treatment, to explore the clinical value of comprehensive treatment. Methods 66 patients with chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps were selected from 2011 December-2013 years 08 months in our hospital from patients, randomly divided into two groups, the treated only with patients undergoing nasal endoscopic operation of 30 patients in the control group, the nasal endoscopic operation with comprehensive therapy in the treatment of 36 patients as the experimental group, analysis clinical therapeutic effect of the two groups. Results During the treatment, there were no severe complication in patients in the two groups, the experimental group effect of clinical treatment for 20 cases markedly effective, 16 cases, 0 cases ineffective, the total efficiency of 100%, 15 cases of control group, markedly effective 10 cases, invalid 5 cases, the total efficiency of 83.3%, the total efficiency of clinical experimental group cure significantly higher than the control group, with significant difference between two groups (100% VS 83.3%, P&lt;0.05). Conclusion The endoscopic postoperative comprehensive therapy in the treatment of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps, clinical efficacy, significant effect, worthy of further promotion in clinical.
Guide of China Medicine
Nasal endoscopic operation
Comprehensive therapy
Chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps
Clinical effect