
当前美国教师队伍困境及联邦政府政策解读 被引量:5

The Interpretation of Current Plight of American Teachers' Group and the Federal Government Policies
摘要 近期美国联邦政府为解决教师队伍所面临的数量短缺、流动性高、缺乏有效教学环境等问题,采取了一系列政策措施以促进、跟踪和督查。通过从职业规划到法律保障,再到项目推进的内外兼修、全程覆盖的教师职业政策体系,美国联邦政府整合了州政府、高等教育机构、地方学区和学校等方面的力量,为解决当前困境,并为未来一段时期的教师队伍建设,奠定了基础。 The federal government of the USA is dealing with the challenges of teachers shortage, quitting and lack of effective teaching and learning environment, and taking such measures and policies as promotion , tracking and supervision. Through the professional policy system established internally and externally from professional planning, legal protec- tion and projects, covering the whole process of teachers' development, the federal govern- ment of America has integrated the power of state government, higher education institu- tions, local school districts and schools, etc., and made the foundation for the construction of teachers' group in the coming period.
作者 刘翠航
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期65-72,共8页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 美国 教师队伍 教师政策 America teachers' group teacher policy
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