川东北通、南、巴构造是四川盆地内一个大型油气构造,是“七五”期间国家重点科技攻关 项目之一。利用遥感资料研究通、南、巴构造是其中的一个子课题。 本文是将SPOT卫星资料用于油气构造研究的一次尝试。文中着重介绍利用,SPOT高分辨率卫 星图像进行地质填图,探讨图像上构造形迹的组合型式及其与地下深部储油构造的关系。
Tong-Nan-Ba structure is a large hydrocarbon trapping structure in the northeast of Sichuan basin. In the past years, a great deal of research have been take placed on it. Remote sensing utilizing satellite imagery is one of new tools in search for hydrocarbon. It provides a mean for obtaining valuable information which will be useful in further exploration, At the same time, it reduces total cast of exploration considerably. This paper is a try of using SPOT data to study hydrocarbon structure. In the paper, the geological mapping utilizing SPOT image is presented, and lineament pattern and its relationship with subsurface gas-bearing structure is discussed.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources