义178-X1VF井是非常规定向油藏评价井,该井地质构造复杂.沙三段上部油泥岩易塌,沙四段上部含大段盐膏及膏泥岩,易造成缩径卡钻及钻井液流变性恶化等情况;沙四段下部裂缝发育,易漏;井身轨迹复杂,施工中井壁稳定性、井眼净化及润滑防卡问题突出,钻井液技术难度大.使用聚胺强抑制润滑防塌钻井液,采用合理密度支撑、强抑制、强封堵、润滑防卡等措施,配合现场钻井液维护处理工艺顺利完钻,平均机械钻速为8.98 m/h,创造了渤南区块同类型深井钻井施工新纪录.
The Yi 178 -X1VF well is an unconventional directional appraisal well with a complex geologic structure. Sloughing about clay rock occurred frequently in upper Es 3 ; down - hole troublesome condition of tight hole sticking easily occurred and rheological property is deteriorated because of heavy salt bed and creaming mudstone in upper Es 4 ; lost circulation occurred frequently because of crack in down Es 4 ; the well trajectory is so complex that there exist such difficulties as borehole stability, hole cleaning and lubrication to anti -sticking. The well was successfully finished after we applied the poly amino drilling fluid with the capability of high inhibition, lubrication and anti - sticking and took such measures as rational density supporting, high inhibition, good sealing formation and lubrication to anti - caving with the aid of onsite drilling fluid techniques. The ROP was 8.98 m/h, and a new record of ROP was created in Bonan Block
Journal of Shaoxing University