
腹壁切口疝手术几个要点问题 被引量:6

Main issues in the treatment of incisional hernia repair
摘要 腹壁切口疝是腹部外科手术后常见并发症,手术修补是惟一可治愈该疾病的手段。开放修补和腹腔镜修补均为腹壁切口疝的有效治疗手段,开放修补术的切口并发症发生率相对较高,而腹腔镜修补术并发症的严重程度较高。巨大切口疝可采用组织结构分离技术进行修补。选择补片应充分考虑补片的材料学特性包括组织反应程度、强度、舒适度及顺应性等。补片可采用直接缝合或钉合方式固定。须重视预防切口疝修补术中的并发症,避免肠管损伤,出现血清肿时要及时处理,避免感染发生。 Incisional hernia is one of the most common complication in abdomen surgery. Surgical repairment is the only method to cure incisional hernia. Open and laparoscopic operation skills are available in the hernia treatment. Open repair method has a higher incidence in the incision complication, while the complications in laparoscopic repair procedure are more serious. Component separation skill is suitable for the very huge incisional hernia repairment. The characteristics of mesh should be considered seriously before the mesh used in hernia repair. Appropriate manner is necessary to fix the mesh with abdominal wall. Intestinal injury should be avoided during the hernia repair procedure. Acupuncture of the seroma should be performed timely to prevent wound infection.
作者 杨福全
出处 《中国实用外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期403-405,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery
关键词 切口疝 修补术 并发症 incisional hernia surgical repair complication
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