Although "the Common Law Paradigm" in the narratives of the British con stitution is profoundly influential, it is unable to comprehensively summarize the core feature of the British constitution, namely the "Monistic Democracy" with "Parliamentary Sovereignty" as its representative principle, which serves as the fundamental support of the high reputation of the British constitution. The Coke tradition, which advocates "judicial supremacy", is not the only tradition of the British constitution. Since the modern age, several generations of Britishjurists have devoted themselves to the studying of the tradition of "Parliamentary Sovereignty" by empirical depiction and normative argumentation. Among them, Blackstone showed some kind of political maturity as a common law student by identifying the principal elements of "Par liamentary Sovereignty". Bagehot and Dicey jointly completed the "academic codification" of the British constitution on the basis of mature British constitutional practice, thereby establis hing the constitutional theoretical framework of "Parliamentary Sovereignty". Since the begin ning of the twentieth century, Jennings, Griffith and Tomkins have promoted the theoretical per fection of "Parliamentary Sovereignty" through the approaches of functionalism and normativ ism, thereby forming a new school in the cotemporary debates on the British constitutional re forms. The evolution of the idea of "Parliamentary Sovereignty" is of central theoretical signifi cance to the cotemporary tradition of "Political Constitution", and constitutes a necessary theo retical basis of indepth understanding of the structural debates on and trends of development of the contemporary constitutional reforms in Great Britain.
Global Law Review