
先天性肛门直肠畸形伴瘘管的MRI与造影检查 被引量:15

Magnetic resonance inmging and radiography for congenital anorectal malformation with fistula
摘要 目的探讨MRI与造影检查在先天性肛门直肠畸形(congenital anorectal malforIna—tions,CARM)瘘管诊断中的临床应用价值并将两者进行对照研究。方法回顾性分析我院2008年5月至2012年12月经手术治疗并确诊的先天性肛门直肠畸形伴发瘘管患儿26例,男17例,女9例,年龄1d至36个月。患儿术前均行MRI及造影检查。结果CARM伴发瘘管26例中,高位肛门闭锁型CARM11例,其中会阴瘘7例,膀胱瘘2例,尿道瘘1例,阴道瘘1例;中位肛门闭锁型CARM9例,其中会阴瘘5例,尿道瘘3例,阴道瘘1例;低位肛门闭锁型CARM6例,其中会阴瘘5例,阴囊根部体表瘘1例。MRI诊断瘘管的准确率为57.96%(15/26),造影检查诊断瘘管的准确率为88.46%(23/26),两者之间经统计学处理有显著性差异(x2=9.65,P〈0.01)。结论MRI与造影检查在诊断CARM瘘管方面具有很高的临床应用价值。MRI诊断瘘管的准确率明显低于造影检查,两者相结合可以有效的提高瘘管诊断准确率,减少患儿X线辐射剂量及创伤,优化影像学检查方法。 Objective To explore the clinical values of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and radiography examination for congenital anorectal malformation (CARM). Methods A total of 26 cases with surgically proved CARM with fistula from May 2008 to December 2012 at our hospital were re- viewed. There were 17 males and 9 females with an age ranige of 1 day to 36 months. MRI and radio- graphy were performed. Results Among them, there were high imperforate anus (n = 11), perineal fistula (n = 7), bladder fistula (n = 2), urethral fistula (n = 1), vaginal fistula (n = 1) ; median imper- forate anus (n= 9), perineal fistula (n= 5), urethral fistula (n = 3), vaginal fistula (n = 1) low im- perforate anus (n = 6), perineal fistula (n = 5) and scrotal root surface fistula (n = 1). The MRI diag- nostic accuracy rate was 57. 96 % (15/26) and radiographic diagnostic accuracy rate 88. 46% (23/26). And there were statistically significant differences (X2 = 9. 65, P〈0. 01). Conclusions MRI and radio graphy have high clinical diagnostic values for CARM with fistula. Diagnostic accuracy of MRI is significant- ly lower than that of fistula angiography. And a combination of both may effectively improve the diagnostic accuracy of fistula, reduce radiation dose, lessen trauma and optimize imaging modalities.
出处 《中华小儿外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期366-369,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery
关键词 儿童 肛门 畸形 直肠 磁共振成像 放射摄影术 Child Anus,abnormalities Rectum,abnormalities Magnetic resonance imanging Radiography
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