
慢性乙型肝炎患者外周血Th22细胞检测及其临床意义 被引量:2

Determination of peripheral Th22 cell and its significance in patients with chronic hepatitis B
摘要 目的探讨慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者外周血Th22细胞表达水平及其临床意义。方法采用流式细胞检测技术检测64例CHB和16名健康人群外周血Th22细胞表达水平,并与丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)、天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)、总胆红素(TBIL)、白蛋白(ALB)、凝血酶原时间(PT)进行相关性分析。结果 CHB患者外周血Th22表达水平高于健康对照组(P=0.000);重型CHB患者Th22细胞表达水平高于普通型患者(P=0.000);重型CHB中,病情好转患者和死亡患者Th22细胞表达水平差异无统计学意义(P=0.310)。Th22细胞与ALB呈负相关,与TBIL、PT呈正相关(P<0.005),与ALT、AST无相关性(P>0.05)。HBV-DNA阳性与阴性患者Th22细胞表达水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);HBV-DNA与Th22细胞无相关性(P>0.05)。结论 Th22细胞能反映CHB患者病情严重程度,但未能表现出明确的抗HBV的作用。 Objective To investigate the clinical significance of peripheral Th22 cell in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Methods 64 patients with chronic hepatitis B and 16 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. The peripheral Th22 cells were detected by flow cytometry. The correlations between Th22 cells and ALT, AST, TBIL, ALB, PT were analyzed using Pearson's correlation analysis. Results The level of peripheral Th22 cells in patients with chronic hepatitis B was higher than that of control healthy(P=0.000). The level of peripheral Th22 cells in patients with fulminating hepatitis was higher than that in patients with normal hepatitis B(P=0.000). Among patients with fulminating hepatitis, there were no difference between Th22 cells in victims and those in survivors(P〉0.05). The level of Th22 cells were negatively correlated with ALB and were positively correlated with TBIL, PT, respectively(P〈0.005). Th22 cells had no difference between patients with positive HBV-DNA and patients with negative HBV-DNA(P〉0.05). No relationship was observed between the level of Th22 cells and HBV-DNA(P〉0.05). Conclusion The level of Th22 cells could reflect the severity of the disease in patients with chronic hepatitis B, but it hadn't the role of the anti-HBV.
出处 《中华临床医师杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2014年第7期18-20,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition)
基金 江苏省南通市社会发展计划项目(S2010046)
关键词 肝炎 乙型 慢性 TH22细胞 Hepatitis B chronic Th22 cell
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