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4Higher education in Sweden:an overview.http://www.smorgashord.se/society/education/overview.html,19June 2005.
5The European Higher Education Area:Bologna Declaration,Joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education,Convened in Bologna on the 19th of June 1999:2~3.http://www.univ-ovidius.ro/BSUN/Bologna_Process/bologna99/bologna99_eng.pdf.May,2001.
6Leif Pagrotsky(Minster for education,research and culture),A changing world.2005.Ministry of education,research and culture,http://www.sweden.gov.se,26 January 2006.
7Reforms in higher education-a more open system:Summary of government bill 2001/02:15,Ministry of education and science Sweden,U01.016 November 2001.
8Sweden higher education act,1aw2000:260.
9National report Sweden:Report on the Swedish follow-up of the Bologna Declaration and the Prague Communique,Ministry of education and science Sweden,30 April 2003.
10Karin Roding(Director General),Towards the european higher education area Bologna process:Sweden natioanal report 2004/2005.14 January 2005:5.