The Bouguer gravity is the combination of field sources in different depths. Based on the multi-scale analysis of the Bouguer gravity,we can get the gravity anomaly caused by the Moho undulation. This study presents the various orders of approximation of gravity anomaly in North China Craton(NCC),the possible source depths with radial logarithmic power spectrum,and the relationship between the deep structure and gravity anomaly. Furthermore,we discuss the isostatic compensation about the Moho depth from gravity and deep seismic sounding profiles(DSS). The results show that:(1) the fourth approximation could have resulted from the Moho undulation,(2) in contrast to the isostatic Moho,the inverted gravity Moho and the DSS Moho show that most of NCC has been isostatically compensated,and(3) the isostatic compensation rate has some close relation to the seismicity.
The Bouguer gravity is the combination of field sources in different depths. Based on the multi-scale analysis of the Bouguer gravity,we can get the gravity anomaly caused by the Moho undulation. This study presents the various orders of approximation of gravity anomaly in North China Craton(NCC),the possible source depths with radial logarithmic power spectrum,and the relationship between the deep structure and gravity anomaly. Furthermore,we discuss the isostatic compensation about the Moho depth from gravity and deep seismic sounding profiles(DSS). The results show that:(1) the fourth approximation could have resulted from the Moho undulation,(2) in contrast to the isostatic Moho,the inverted gravity Moho and the DSS Moho show that most of NCC has been isostatically compensated,and(3) the isostatic compensation rate has some close relation to the seismicity.
supported financially by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (41021063,41004017)