
全膜覆土穴播及施肥对旱地春小麦养分、干物质积累及土壤水分变化的影响 被引量:6

Effects of All Film Casing Mode Bunch and Fertilization on Nutrients and Dry Matter Accumulation of Spring Wheat and Changes of Soil Moisture in the Semi-arid Area
摘要 为了进一步明确全膜覆土穴播栽培技术的增产机制,采用田间试验方法,研究全膜覆土穴播及施肥对旱地春小麦养分、干物质积累及土壤水分变化的影响。结果表明:全膜覆土穴播种植有利于小麦植株N素、P素、K素累积、促进小麦植株碳水化合物的合成,增加小麦干物质积累量;小麦成熟期植株吸N、吸P、吸K量较露地分别增加48%-93%、64%-158%、128%-201%,N、P、K配方施肥效果明显,以N、P2O5和K2O的用量分别为150kg/hm^2、120kg/hm^2、90kg/hm^2时(F1处理)最为突出;全膜覆土穴播能使小麦生长前期耕层0-20cm土壤水分得到有效补给,小麦生长后期通过消耗利用土壤深层水分供应小麦生长,土壤含水量均随生育期延后呈现下降趋势。可见:全膜覆土穴播栽培可显著提高小麦植株养分、干物质积累量和利用土壤深层水分供给作物生长,施肥效果较为明显。 In order to clarify yield increasing mechanism of cultivation method of All film casing mode Bunch,field trials were conducted to study all film casing mode Bunch and fertilization on nutrients and dry matter accumulation of spring wheat and soil moisture changes in the semi-arid area.The results showed that cultivation of the all film casing mode Bunch promoted nutrient accumulation of N, P,K and carbohydrates synthesis and dry matter accumulation in wheat plants;compared with open field dibble cultivation(control),absorptions of N,P,K in matured wheat plants increased by 48%-93%,64%-158%,128%-201%.The effect of N-P-K formulated fertilization was obvious in the whole film casing mode Bunch,and the best effect was detected in F1treatment with the application of N 150kg/hm^2,P2O5120kg/hm^2 and K2O 90kg/hm^2.The all film casing mode Bunch elevated soil moisture of 0-20cm topsoil which effectively supplies for early growth of plants,and with the consumption and utilization of deep soil moisture,the soil moisture at different soil layers showed a downward trend with growth period delayed.In conclusion,all film casing mode Bunch can signifi-cantly increase nutrients and dry matter accumulation of spring wheat,and elevate effect of fertilization through utilizing deep soil moisture.
出处 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期65-69,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
基金 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室基金(K318009902-13) 加拿大国际植物营养研究所(IPNI)项目(BPC-Gansu Potato-2013)
关键词 全膜覆土穴播 施肥 春小麦 养分 土壤水分 干物质积累 All film casing mode bunch Fertilization Spring wheat Nutrient Soil moisture
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