

Introduction to UK occupational health reporting network system run by University of Manchester
摘要 国家卫生安全执行局作为英国职业卫生安全的主管机构,依据1995年颁布的《职业伤害、职业病和职业危险报告条例》的规定建立了雇主对其作业场所进行职业卫生记录和报告的制度;同时还支持多种形式的主动调查系统。曼彻斯特大学职业卫生报告网络就是国家卫生安全执行局支持的系统之一。对其概况、经费来源、人员组成和系统构成进行了简要介绍,并就其给予公共卫生管理的启示作了探讨。 According to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR95), UK Health and Safety Exeeutive(HSE ) enforced all the employers to follow both recording and reporting system of occupational health in all workplaces. Furthermore, HSE takes also a variety of programs, such as governmental initiative survey. The occupational health reporting network run by University of Manchester is one of the programs partly-supported by HSE. The network is introduced, including funding,personnel and system structure. It is also discussed what can be shared for public health reporting and research system in China.
出处 《职业卫生与应急救援》 2014年第2期115-117,共3页 Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue
基金 上海市公共卫生优秀学科带头人(项目编号:GWDTR201218)
关键词 职业卫生 报告网络系统 曼彻斯特大学 职业病 Occupational health Reporting network University of Manchester Occupational disease
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