

Quickening rebuilding routing protocol for underwater acoustic networks
摘要 本文针对水声通信特点,在按需距离矢量(AODV)路由协议的基础上,提出了一种旨在缩短路由重构时间的按需距离矢量(RB-AODV)路由协议。该协议解决了水声通信网络中,由中间节点的移动而引起的路由失效问题。通过检测到移动节点的中间节点进行本地路由修复重构的过程,避免了由源节点重新启动路由发现过程,从而大大节省了信道带宽。仿真结果表明,该RB-AODV路由协议可以降低丢包率、增大网络吞吐量,缩短路由重构时间并提高信道利用率。 Based on AODV routing protocol,we proposed a new protocol named RB-AODV for reducing the time to repair the broken routing.This new routing protocol resolves the problem that the originally link is invalided in the underwater acoustic networks.That the node,detecting the mobile node,rebuilds another new link by itself instead of starting up routing-finding over again can reduce the channel bandwidth.Simulation results show that comparing with AODV,this new routing protocol can reduce the rate of losing packets,increase the network throughput,reduce the time to rebuild routing and improve the using ratio of underwater acoustic channel.
出处 《应用声学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期196-201,共6页 Journal of Applied Acoustics
基金 国家863计划项目(2006AA09Z117,2009AA093601) 国家自然科学基金(60672118,10904160)资助课题
关键词 水声通信网络 AODV路由协议 路由重构 水下移动节点 Underwater acoustic networks AODV routing protocol Rebuild routing Underwater mobile node
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