

Modeling and Research of the Intermesh for Continuously Straightening a Thin-Walled Tube in Uniaxial Stress
摘要 针对目前薄壁管材在连续矫直过程中仍沿用经验图表结合人工经验和反复试矫对其进行估定的现状,在构建压弯量计算简化力学模型的基础上,对单向应力状态下弹性区、弹塑性区管材横截面弯矩进行解析,应用莫尔积分建立了矫直辊压弯量数学模型.应用LS-DYNA对薄壁管材的连续矫直过程进行动态仿真,验证了模型的正确性,通过对典型管材数据的计算绘制了压弯量曲线,定性分析了各工艺参数对压弯量的影响,为现场压弯量的调整提供理论依据. The straightening intermesh as the main straightening technical parameter, which decides the precision for straightening thin-walled tubes, is usually carried out based on the experiential data and chart by experience and experiments. Firstly a new simplified mechanical model for calculating the intermesh is presented, and the bending-moment of the cross section is subsequently obtained in the elastic zone and also in the elastic-plastic zone. Then the model of the straightening intermesh is presented by the integration of the bending-moment equation. In order to certify the correctness, some dynamic simulations were done by LS-DYNA, and the results indicate that the model is correct. An intermesh curve is plotted using the datum calculated with the model, by which the influence of the parameters can be analyzed qualitatively, thus the theoretical basis for adjusting the intermesh for the production can be provided.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期735-738,共4页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50905030)
关键词 薄壁管材 矫直 压弯量 单向应力状态 LS-DYNA thin-walled tube straightening intermesh uniaxial stress LS-DYNA
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