
嫦娥三号巡视器综合电子系统的设计与实现 被引量:6

Design and realization of the integrated electronic system for the Chang'E-3 lunar rover
摘要 为了满足重量、体积、功耗等严格约束条件,嫦娥三号巡视器成功应用了综合电子技术,通过对平台电子线路的硬件功能集成与配置和应用软件一体化的设计,优化了整器的电子系统.本文从功能组成、设计思路与设计原则、体系结构、软硬件设计及试验验证等方面介绍了综合电子系统的设计与实现.嫦娥三号飞行试验结果表明,作为巡视器实现可靠分离和巡视探测任务的关键分系统之一,全新研制的综合电子系统圆满完成了任务目标,其设计、实现和应用也为未来航天器的综合电子系统提供了技术参考. In order to fulfill the requirement of the rigorous constraints on weight, volume and power, the integrated electronics system (IES) has been firstly developed for the Chang'E-3 Lunar Rover. The electronics system of the Lunar Rover has been optimized by the integrated design method for both the hardware and the software. In this paper, we present how the IES was designed and realized from the function composition, design principle and solution, system architecture, detailed realization of hardware/software to the experimental verification and validation. The flight experiment results of the Chang'E-3 Lunar Rover showed that the IES has completed the task of the project successfully, in which the integrated electronics system functioned as one of the most crucial subsystem for the Rover's departure from the lander and the surface exploration task. Moreover, it can provide technical reference for the future spacecraft in which the integrated electronics system will be used.
出处 《中国科学:技术科学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期450-460,共11页 Scientia Sinica(Technologica)
基金 国家中长期科技发展规划重大专项资助项目
关键词 巡视器 综合电子 设计与实现 lunar rover, integrated electronics system, design and realization
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