
嫦娥三号巡视器移动设计与实现 被引量:8

Design and implementation of Chang'E-3 rover location system
摘要 嫦娥三号巡视器移动分系统需适应低重力,大温差,超高真空以及带电月尘等空间及月表环境,并承载多种科学载荷进行月表巡视.阐述嫦娥三号移动分系统的任务需求,进行移动分系统原理设计,及其驱动机构,差动机构,车轮与防尘密封圈等组件的结构设计;建立移动分系统数字样机并进行静力学,动力学与热分析及优化;对移动分系统及其组件进行模拟月面环境下的爬坡,越障,脱困和防尘密封等地面模拟试验;嫦娥三号巡视器自2013年12月15日登上月面,经受2个月球昼夜的严酷月面环境考验,已行进100多米. Lunar surface is a dusty world without Earth's atmospheric pressure, with huge range of temperature varying, with only 1/6 of Earth's gravity, and with fine electrostatically charged dust. Chang'E-3 rover location system has to cruise in that harsh environment carrying multiple payloads. The requirements and working principles of Chang'E-3 rover location system were clarified, and the key points of embodiment design of driving mechanism, differential mechanism, wheel and seal were detailed. A digital model of the location system is created and optimized by numerical simulations of statics, kinetics and thermodynamics. Hundreds of tests of the location system and its assemblies are performed in simulated lunar environments on the ground to evaluate its feasibility and reliability, such as test of climbing slope, test of climbing obstacle, and test of dust preventing and mitigating, et al. Since Chang'E-3 rover moved on to the lunar surface in December 15, 2013, it has survived for 2 sidereal months in the harsh environment, and run for more than 100 meters.
出处 《中国科学:技术科学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期483-491,共9页 Scientia Sinica(Technologica)
基金 探月工程二期重大科技专项资助
关键词 嫦娥三号巡视器 移动分系统 摇臂式悬架 驱动机构 车轮 防尘密封圈 Chang'E-3 rover, location system, rocker and bogie mechanism, driving mechanism, wheel, seal
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