Based on the 4000 questionnaires of migrant workers in 19 cities in Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta, this paper analyzed migrant workers’ intention of transferring their household registration into the city they worked and its influence factors. The results showed as follows: most of migrant workers did not want to transfer their household registration into the city even the local government has the positive policy which encourage them to do so. Number of migrant workers who want to transfer their household registration into city is less than a quarter (24.56%). Important fac-tors or mechanism influence migrant workers’ household intention include land,child and occupation’s stability. Migrant workers want to transfer their household registration into city or not is a process of rational choice with farmers’ value. Policy ideas of this stage should be “one family with two systems”, which means the young and mid-aged migrant work-ers could transfer their household registration into the city firstly, but their lands and their parents’ lands in the country should be reserved so as to they can enjoy the land security continually.
Journal of Nantong University:Social Sciences Edition