目的了解无锡市门诊就诊腹泻病例中主要腹泻病毒感染情况。方法连续一年逐月采集无锡市腹泻监测哨点医院门诊腹泻病例的粪便样本,采用实时荧光PCR方法对收集的样本检测诺如病毒(NV)、轮状病毒(RV)、肠道腺病毒(EADV)、札如病毒(SPAV)和星状病毒(ASTV)的核酸,分析病原构成和季节分布变化。结果 291份腹泻样本中,共检出目标病毒核酸阳性79份,总检测阳性率为27.1%,阳性率由高到低依次为NV 15.5%、RV 8.2%、ASTV2.1%、SPAV 1.0%、EADV 0.3%。NV全年各月都有检出,其中GⅡ型占88.9%(40/45),GⅠ型占11.1%(5/45)。这些病毒感染有明显的季节特征,基本表现为冬春季发病高峰的特征。结论无锡地区冬春季节腹泻中病毒性感染值得重视,目前以NV和RV为主,同时,应加强监测优势型别的变化。
Objective To understand the infection status of viral diarrhea in diarrhea clinic of Wuxi. Methods The feces samples were collected from outpatients of diarrhea sentinel hospitals monthly for one year to detect the nucleic acid of norovirus(NV),rotavirus(RV),enteric adenovirus(EADV),sapovirus(SPAV),astrovirus(ASTV) by real- time fluorescence quantitative PCR. Then the detection results were analyzed to discuss the constitution and seasonal distribution of pathogens. Results A total of 79 samples were found viral nucleic acid positive among 291 feces samples,and the total positive rate was 27. 1%,while the positive rates of NV,RV,ASTV,SPAV and EADV were 15. 5%,8. 2%,2. 1%,1. 0% and 0. 3% respectively. NV was prevalent in every month,in which GⅡ type accounted for 88. 9%(40 /45) and GⅠtype accounted for 11. 1%( 5 /45). These virus showed distinct seasonal characteristics with the peak incidence in winter and spring. Conclusion The viral infection of diarrhea deserves more attention in winter and spring in Wuxi,NV and RV were the most common pathogens at present. It is necessary to strengthen the surveillance of the predominant pathogen types.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology