学生成绩在线录入系统需要任课教师将每位学生的平时、期中、期末等诸多模块的成绩手动录入到网页表单中,如果选课人数过多,成绩录入工作将十分繁琐,且容易出错。利用表单之间光标切换转移的规律,结合Visual Basic 6.0编程语言,运用API函数和一些数据控件,以及Visual Basic与Excel连接的相关技术自主开发了一款智能粘贴软件(Smart-Stick)。该软件有效提高了高校教师成绩录入的效率和准确性。
Teachers always need to print students' marks invlove regular grades,middletermgrades and final grades in the form of sheet by themselves.That is atedious and error-prone work when there are too many students select this class This project is aming to this problem using the laws of cursor's transfer and swith between the sheets and eombiming programing hmguage of Visual Basic 6.0 to develop this smart office software named " smart-stick" by ourselves. In addition,it also use API filctions,somedata controls and related techonology about the connection between Visual Basic and Excel.This soft- ware can irnprove the efficient and accuracy in the teaehers's work.
Computer Programming Skills & Maintenance