

Modeling of Potential Transfomer for Different Wide Frequency Characteristic
摘要 变电站内开关操作时,会在母线上产生包含着很多高频分量的瞬态过电压。为了预测这种瞬态过程中某一频段对二次回路的传导干扰电压,需要建立变电站内电压互感器各个频段的模型。本文介绍了一种输入端接电阻的二端口网络综合方法,并对一台10/0.1kV的电压互感器进行了分频段建模。PsPice软件仿真结果表明电路模型传输特性和测量得到的电压的传输特性吻合,验证了该方法的正确性。 In substation,the switching operation will cause the fast transient overvoltage including a great deal of high frequency component in the bus bar.For the prediction of the voltage stress in secondary circuits due to the transient process,the modeling of potential transformer for different wide frequency characteristic is necessary.The paper presented a network synthesis method,which based on connecting a resistance at the input terminal,and constructed models of 10/0.2kV PT for different frequency.A good simulation result used PsPice has been achieved and showed the method is accurate.
作者 马力 李丹
出处 《河南电力》 2014年第1期18-20,27,共4页 Henan Electric Power
关键词 电压互感器 瞬态过电压 网络综合 potential transformer transient overvoltage network synthesis
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