
对MRI系统噪声的法规要求及测试方法 被引量:1

Regulatory Requirements and Testing Methods of MRI Acoustic Noise
摘要 MRI扫描过程中梯度线圈受变化的洛伦茨力作用会产生振动并发出噪声。过高的噪声除了会引起病人不适外,还可能影响成像效果。本文总结并分析了MRI噪声相关的法规要求及相应测试方法,旨在为相关人员客观评估MRI系统的声学噪声特性,确保系统安全,测试相应降噪措施提供参考。 Gradient coil which is subjected to a variational Lorentz force during MRI scanning can cause gradient coil vibration and then produce acoustic noise. Exorbitant acoustic noise can cause discomfort for patients, and also can affect imaging quality. This paper summarized and analyzed the regulatory requirements and corresponding testing methods of MRI acoustic noise in order to provide reference information for relevant staff to objectively evaluate acoustic noise features of MRI system to ensure system safety and test noise reduction measures.
出处 《中国医疗设备》 2014年第5期123-125,143,共4页 China Medical Devices
关键词 MRI 声学噪声 法规要求 最大梯度噪声 最大临床噪声 MRI acoustic noise regulatory requirements maximum gradient acoustic noise maximum clinical acoustic noise
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