对 PCVSAT单收站系统的配置、业务流程、软件应用、维护及故障检测作较全面的介绍 ,为各级气象台站使用 PCVSAT系统的业务人员提供一份技术参考手册。
This article makes a detailed introduction to the system configuration,operation flow,soft ware application,maintenance and fault detection of PCVSAT one way receiving system,which provides a technical reference manual for the staff of each meteorology station who use PCVSAT system in their work. Key words:PCVSAT,satellite,one way receiving station,systemng CHEN-a ,Jinling HUANG-a,Qiyu YANG-c and Hanhui ZHANG-c -aInstitute of Research on the Functional Materials,Fuzhou University,350 002 Fuzhou -bDepartment of Chemistry,Fujian Zhangzhou Teachers College,363000 Zhang zhou -cDepartment of Chemistry,Fuzhou University,350002 Fuzhou Abstract The nanosolid superacid SO- 2- 4/F e 2O 3 was perpared by using nanometer chemical precursor FeO(OH) 2 put in the SO- 2- 4 solution and dried.IR spectra of samples was determined w ith different calcination temperature,calcination time and with different cconce ntration SO- 2- 4 solutions.They are different from IR of normal solid s uperacid.Then a good analysis and discussion are done.
Journal of Guangxi Meteorology