江西德兴铜矿是我国特大型斑岩铜矿 ,除铜之外 ,还伴生金、银、钼等多种有益组份。本文论述了本矿多元素综合利用及含铜废石的开发研究成果 ,查明了该矿伴生有益组份的分布规律 ,为矿山可持续发展找到了新的途径。
Copper mine in Dexing of Jiangxi Province is overlarge porphyry copper mine of our country.Besides copper,it also associate Au,Ag,Mo and so profitable chemistry.This paper discusses comprehensive improvement of multi-elements and exploitative progeny of copper\|waste rock ,ascertains distributed regularity of profitable chemistry which the mine associate,finds a new avenue to develop extendedly for the mine.
Journal of East China Geological Institute