基于 L onguet- Higgins线性海浪模型 ,在二维情况下导出海浪波面极大值处水质点水平加速度分布律 ,其分布遵从正态分布。在分布中引入新的谱宽度参量 [(m2 m4 - m23 ) / m2 m4 ]12 。以Neumann谱为模式计算波面极大值处质点加速度分布。
The study is made on the statistical distribution of the horizontal accelerations of water particles at wave surface maxima. The distribution is derived on the basis of the linear modal for random waves proposed by Longuet Higgins. The Gaussian distribution is derived. A new spectral width parameter ((m 2m 4-m 2 3)/m 2m 4) 12 is introduced in the derivation. The Neumann spectrum is used in the calculation of the distribution.
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