目的评价八年制临床医学专业学生预防医学社区实践教学效果。方法选择北京大学医学部八年制临床医学专业165名学生和49名教师为调查对象,组织学生到社区进行预防医学实践,采用调查问卷和访谈法评价教学效果。采用SPSS 13.0软件进行数据处理。结果81.9%的学生认为社区实践的收获较大。社区实践加强了学生的群体和预防为主的观念,增加了学生的求知欲;45.2%的学生毕业后愿意为病人和人群进行健康教育;学生在课题设计、资料收集、论文撰写、计算机处理资料方面均有不同程度的收获。90.0%以上的学生认为需要加强统计学相关知识。教师提出了教学过程中出现的问题并给出了合理化建议。结论预防医学社区实践加强了医学生群体健康的基本观念,提高了医学生的科研基本技能,在弥合公共卫生和临床医学之间的裂痕中起到了一定的作用。
Objective To evaluate the effect of preventive medicine community practice in eight-year program medical students. Methods 165 students and 49 teachers in Peking University Health Science Center took part in the preventive medicine community practice. The questionnaire and interviewing method were used to evaluate the teaching effectiveness. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis. Results 81. 9% of students considered that they benefit from the community practice. The community practice strengthened collectivity conception and the basic opinion in preventive medicine and increased the students’ thirst for knowledge. 45. 2% of students would like to do health education in patients and public, they thought they got much knowledge in subject design,collecting data,writing paper and analyzing data by computer. However, at least 90. 0% of students required to strengthen the knowledge of statistics. Some teachers pointed out the present problems according to the teaching process and put forward rational suggestions. Conclusions Preventive medicine community practice can strengthen the basic opinion in population health and enhance the basic skill in scientific research for the students,which may play some role in healing the schism between public health and clinical medicine.
Chinese Journal of Medical Education
Preventive medicine
Community practice
Medical student
Teaching evaluation