

On the Path Selection of the Positive Energy Aggregate of Governing a University by the University Leaders
摘要 正能量是大学生存与发展不可缺少的因素或条件,大学办学正能量的聚合主要取决于大学领导的治校路径选择。虽然中西方大学领导结构存在异同,但是大学生存与发展决定了大学领导在聚合办学正能量的路径选择上没有差异。中西方著名大学在聚合办学正能量的路径选择上的一致一坚守大学灵魂、谋划大学发展之道、遵循大学本质规律促使其大学走向著名。 The positive energy is the indispensable elements or conditions for the sustainable existence and development of the university, while how to aggregate the positive energy of governing a university mainly depends on the university leaders’ governance path selection. Though there are some differences between China’s university leaders system and the western, the existence and development of the university determines there is no difference in the way of aggregating the positive energy of governing the university. Famous universities which in China and the west choose the same way of aggregating the positive energy of governing the university- sticking to the soul of the university, trying to find the law of the university development, and following the nature of the university’s academic essence make themselves become famous and excellent.
作者 田联进 冒荣
出处 《未来与发展》 2014年第5期69-72,共4页 Future and Development
基金 2012年四川省高等教育学会课题"大学章程国际比较研究"(项目编号12sc-002) 2013年度四川省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地"新建院校改革与发展研究中心"重点研究项目"新建本科院校发展模式研究"(项目编号XJYX2013A03)阶段研究成果
关键词 大学领导 聚合 办学 正能量 the university leaders aggregate governing a university the positive energy
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