
车联网技术挑战及服务展望 被引量:5

Challenge and service outlook of vehicle network technology
摘要 车联网是一种面向信息通信的车-网联合技术,是物联网技术在城市交通领域的典型应用,在解决城市交通的安全、环保、节能等方面发挥着重要作用。文章讨论了车联网的概念及车联网的关键技术;详细剖析了车联网所面临的挑战(如行业标准不统一、商业模式不明确、产业链不完善、技术支持体系等);总结了车联网服务与应用现状;最后对未来车联网服务进行了展望。 The vehicle network technology is an information communication-oriented vehicle-network connection technology, is a typical application of Internet of Things (IOT) technology in the field of city traffic, and plays an important role in solving the problems related with trafifc safety, environmental protection and energy saving. The concept of vehicle network technology and its key technologies are ifrstly discussed in this paper. The challenges for this technology are analyzed in detail, such as un-uniform industry standards, undeifned business mode, imperfect industry chain, defective technical support system, etc. The service and application status of vehicle network technology are summarized. The future of this technology is predicted at the end of this paper.
作者 王冬 张菲菲
出处 《物联网技术》 2014年第5期57-59,62,共4页 Internet of things technologies
基金 2012年海南省自然科学基金(612127)
关键词 车联网技术 RFID 传感技术 大数据 移动计算 vehicle network technology RFID sensor technology big data mobile computation
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