
中国东北地区城市经济的空间分布与演化 被引量:2

Northeast China's Urban Economies' Spatial Distribution and Evolution
摘要 本文利用2000~2010年中国吉林、黑龙江、内蒙古、辽宁4个沿边地区的省会和副省级城市、地级市、县级市共270个城市样本数据,结合空间分析技术和方法,从人口、对外经济、人均GDP、工业、工资等方面,研究我国东北沿边地区经济发展的空间分布和演化特征。结果显示:我国东北.和内蒙古地区对外开放和经济发展呈空间非均衡发展态势,不仅在各省区之间差别较大,各省区内部城市之间的非均衡态势也比较明显。其中省会及副省级城市、资源型和工业型城市凭借完善的基础设施、较好的经济和工业基础、丰裕的自然资源、良好的区位条件等方面优势,不断吸引劳动力、资本等生产要素集聚,使得这些城市经济增长速度加快。沿海城市和某些内陆边境城市在对外开放中表现出区位优势,但受很多因素制约,内陆边境城市总体规模都不大,在对外开放中仅仅发挥了过货口岸和中转站的功能。在此基础上,本文提出进一步促进东北地区对外开放和经济发展的政策建议。 This paper utilizes data collected from a sample of 571 cities (provincial capitals and sub- provincial cities, prefecture - level cities and county- level cities) in seven border provinces (Jilin, Heilongiiang, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Yunnan, Guangxi, Xinjiang) in China, in combination of spatial analysis techniques and methods, to study the spatial distributions and evolution eharaetefis- ties of the economic development (in temas of population, foreign trade, per capita GDP, industry, wage, etc. ) of China's border re- gions in the context of international and regional economic integration from 2000 to 2010. The results show that ( 1 ) internal and external factors work together and determine the differences among different border regions' participation in different sub- regional cooperation; (2) within the same sub - regional cooperation, factors measured in this study are spatially significantly different in these border regions due to the different comparative advantages in each border region; (3) in all border regions, population and recourses agglomerate to provincial capitals and sub- provincial capital, and resource- based cities; (4) there is no obvious advantages observed in inland border cities, and their economic development potentials played a limited role. Thus, this paper provides policy recommeadations to promote the opening up to the outside world and economic development of the border regions.
作者 李天籽
机构地区 吉林大学
出处 《工业技术经济》 北大核心 2014年第5期87-93,共7页 Journal of Industrial Technological Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"跨境次区域经济合作对我国沿边产业空间分布的影响机制研究:以长吉图开发开放先导区为例"(项目编号:41201109) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"中国图们江区域合作开发战略研究"(项目编号:12JZD050)的资助
关键词 国际区域一体化 中国沿边地区 经济空间分布 城市经济 international regional integration China's Border Regions spatial distribution of economic activities urban eeo- nomics
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