
基于并行DEA模型的中国工业节能减排效率研究 被引量:6

The Research of Industrial Saving Emission Reduction Efficiency Based on the Parallel DEA Model
摘要 目前我国节能减排正大力开展,工业部门应发挥节能减排的主体责任。在考虑非期望产出属性约束框架下,将各省区作为主单元,其所辖地市作为子单元,运用并行DEA模型测算中国2002—2012年30个省份工业节能减排效率。结论表明,忽略省区内部结构的非期望产出法测算出的效率结果显著偏高,而基于非期望产出属性约束下的并行DEA模型所得到的效率值更加切合实际。我国工业节能减排效率总体上呈上升趋势,但效率水平偏低,且各区域间存在差距,节能减排潜力巨大。政策含义表明,我国工业的转型升级,需要园地制宜制定相应政策,促进工业的包容性发展。 As China is making great efforts to carry out energy conservation and emission reduction, the industrial sector should take the main responsibility of it. In consideration of the framework of undesirable outputs and attribute constraints, this article uses the Parallel DEA model to estimate the industrial energy conservation efficiency of 30 provinces in China from 2002 to 2012, regarding the provinces and regions as the main unit and the cities which under the jurisdiction of the provinces and regions as sub- units. Conclusions show that the efficiency obtained by the undesired output method which ignoring the internal structure of provinces is significantly high, while the effi- ciency values obtained by the Parallel DEA model which based on undesirable outputs and attribute constraints is more realistic. The eft- ciency of China's industrial energy conservation and emission reduction has been a general uptrend. However, the low efficiency levels and the gap exists between regions indicate the great potential of energy conservation and emission reduction. Policy implicatious show that in order to achieve China's industrial transformation and upgrading, we need to develop appropriate policies according to local conditions and promote inclusive development of industry.
机构地区 合肥工业大学
出处 《工业技术经济》 北大核心 2014年第5期145-152,共8页 Journal of Industrial Technological Economics
基金 2011年教育部哲学社会科学发展报告(培育)(项目编号:11JBG012)
关键词 节能减排 可持续发展 并行DEA 非期望产出 saving emission reduction the sustainable development parallel DEA unexpected output
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