
TMT领导继任过程:目标动态匹配机制 被引量:3

The Process of TMT Succession:Mechanism of Dynamic Goal Fitting
摘要 采用多案例研究方法,对企业高层管理团队(TMT)中外部领导者继任过程的目标演变特征和机制进行了研究。研究发现,继任者的个人目标、企业目标以及与继任阶段之间的动态匹配性是决定其是否成功留任的重要因素。在继任过程中存在3种目标匹配模式:二元匹配、一元匹配和不匹配。其中,二元匹配模式能够对继任者的留任产生正向影响;一元匹配和不匹配模式则对继任者的留任产生负向影响。此外,继任者的留任受"任务导向"和"人际导向"双重能力的影响,企业对继任者这2种能力的要求和继任时间有密切关系。据此,提出了动态目标匹配模型。 Based on multiple cases method, we explore the characteristics and mechanisms of goals evolution behind outside leaders' succession in the TMT of firms. We find that the dynamic fit among successors' goals, firm's goals and the succession stage can influence whether the successors will stay or not. We propose that there exist three modes of goal fitting., dyadic fitting, single fit and non-fit. Dyadic fit has positive effect on the successors' stay while single fit and non-fit have negative bearings for successors' stay. Furthermore, we find that successors' stay is influenced by task-oriented and re- lationship-oriented capabilities. We construct the dynamic fitting model on the grounds that what the firms require about the task-oriented and relationship-oriented capabilities are inextricably related with the succession stage.
作者 于鸣 曹仰锋
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期793-800,共8页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71202147)
关键词 领导者继任 高层管理团队 目标设定理论 匹配理论 案例研究 leader succession top management team goal setting theory fit theory case study
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