
馒头餐后2小时血糖在糖尿病筛查中的意义 被引量:8

Significance of 2-hour blood glucose after standardized steamed bread meal in diabetic screening
摘要 目的研究馒头餐后2h血糖(SB-2hBG)在糖尿病筛查时的意义。方法回顾性分析解放军总医院1996年5月—2002年6月体检时行糖尿病(DM)筛查的数据资料。历年非糖尿病受检者采取空腹血后进食100g馒头,于餐后2h采指血测血糖,SB-2hBG≥7.2mmol/L者在2周内行75g口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)确定DM相关诊断(世界卫生组织1985和1999年糖尿病诊断标准)。提取连续7年数据资料比较SB-2hBG在诊断DM的意义和最佳切点,并观察不同糖代谢水平在不同糖负荷试验时血糖的变化情况。结果共有3343例完整资料纳入研究,其中男3101例,女242例,年龄40—94岁。根据OGTr结果诊断为DM429例(12.8%),糖调节受损(IGR)1405例(42.1%);正常糖耐量(NGT)1509例(45.1%)。随着糖调节水平的恶化,SB-2hBG与对应OGTT-2hBG的差值分别为NGT组1.7(0.8~2.8)、IGR组-1.4(-1.2—0.6)和DM组-2.7(-3.8~1.1)mmol/L,3组间差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。诊断IGR和DM的相应最佳切点,FBG是5.3(敏感度46.2%,特异度68.5%)和5.6(敏感度57.4%,特异度76.4%)mmol/L;SB-2hBG是8.2(敏感度63.8%,特异度59.9%)和9.2(敏感度66.4%,特异度79.2%)mmol/L。SB-2hBG7.2mmol/L时的诊断特异度很低;11.1mmol/L时诊断19M的敏感度31.5%,特异度95.7%。F13G与S13-2h13G诊断IGR和DM相应切点的符合率一致(P〉0.05)。SB-2hBG7.8mmol/L时诊断IGR的敏感度77.4%,特异度41.8%,优于FBG5.6mmol/L(P〈0.01)。结论随着糖耐量的恶化,SB-2hBG与对应OGTT-2hBG的差值逐渐增大。与OGTT诊断比较,符合IGR和DM诊断的最佳切点FBG为5.3和5.6mmol/L,SB-2hBG为8.2和9.2mmol/L。建议在中老年人群采用FBG5.3或SB.2hBG7.8mmol/L作为糖尿病筛查时进一步行OGTT的指标。 Objective To explore the significance of 2-hour blood glucose after standardized steamed bread meal (SB-2 hBG) in diabetic screening. Methods A retrospective study was conducted for diabetic screening data of annual check-up at PLA General Hospital from May 1996 to June 2002. And 100 g standardized steamed bread meal test was performed for non-diabetic subjects. Those subjects with SB-2 h BG ≥ 7. 2 mmol/L underwent a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) within 2 weeks to determine whether the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM) could be established ( WHO, 1985, 1999, Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes). By extracting the data for 7 consecutive years, we analyzed the significance and the cut-off point of SB-2 hBG in the diagnosis of DM and investigated the changes of blood glucose curves in different glucose tolerance status after different glucose loading tests. Results A total of 3 343 subjects with complete information were recruited. There were 3 101 males and 242 females with an age range of 40 -94 years. According to the results of OGTY, 429 ( 12.8% ) subjects were diagnosed as DM, 1 405 (42. 1% ) were diagnosed as impaired glucose regulation (IGR) and 1 509 ( 45.1% ) had normal glucose tolerance (NGT). With a deterioration of glucose tolerance status, the difference between SB-2 hBG and OGTT-2 hBG increased gradually in 3 group(P 〈0. 01 ), namely the NGT group 1.7 (0. 8 - 2. 8) mmoL/L, IGR group -0.4( -1.2 -0. 6) retool/L, DM group -2. 7( -3.8 - 1. 1) mmoL/L. The cut-off points of FBG for the diagnosis of IGR and DM were 5.3 ( sensitivity of 46.2% , specificity of 68.5% ) and 5.6 ( sensitivity of 57.4%, specificity of 76. 4% ) mmoL/L respectively. The cut-off points of SB-2 h BG were 8.2 mmol/L for the diagnosis of IGR ( sensitivity of 63.8%, specificity of 59.9% ) and 9.2 mmol/L for the diagnosis of DM ( sensitivity of 66. 4%, specificity of 76.4% ). If the cut-off point of SB-2 h BG was set at 7.2 mmol/L, the diagnostic specificity became quite low. However, at 11.1 mmol/L, the sensitivity was 31.5% and the specificity 95.7% for the diagnosis of DM. The coincidences of cut-off points of FBG and SB-2 hBG for the diagnosis of IGR and DM were equal (P 〉0. 05). When the cut-off point of SB-2 h BG was set at 7. 8 mmol/L, the sensitivity was 77. 4% and the specificity 41.8% for the diagnosis of IGR. And it was much better than FBG at 5.6 mmol/L (P 〈 0. 01 ). Conclusions With a deterioration of glucose tolerance, the difference between SB-2 hBG and OGTT-2 hBG increases gradually. Compared to the diagnostic criteria of OGTr, the optimal cut-off points for the diagnosis of IGR and DM were 5.3 vs 5.6 mmol/L for FBG and 8.2 vs 9. 2 mmol/L for SB-2 hBG respectively. For diabetic screening in middle-aged and elders, the cut-off points of FBG at 5.3 mmol/L and SB-2 hBG at 7. 8 mmol/L are indicators for further OGTT.
出处 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第18期1388-1392,共5页 National Medical Journal of China
基金 全军医药卫生科研基金(07BJZ03)
关键词 糖尿病 葡糖耐量试验 100 g馒头餐 Diabetes mellitus Glucose tolerance test 100 g standardized steamed bread meal test
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