
大数据给图书馆带来的机遇与挑战 被引量:16

The Opportunities and Challenges of Library Based on the Big Data
摘要 本文首先分析了"大数据"的概念和特征,然后分析了在大数据时代,图书馆在数字资源建设和各项服务方面将会迎来新的发展机遇,但大数据也会对图书馆的基础设施、馆员素质、读者服务、版权保护、信息安全等方面的发展提出挑战。最后,图书馆必须顺应时代发展潮流,提前制定大数据战略,加大人才的培养和引进力度,更加关注特色资源的建设,引进或者研发数据挖掘和分析的工具,加强用户研究与交互数据的利用,以便让图书馆在新的历史阶段焕发光彩。 The concept and characteristics of the big data are analyzed in this paper. In the era of big data, some new de- velopment oppertunities will not only come to the library in the digital resources construction and various services, but also it can bring great development challenges to the library, such as the information infrastructure of library, the librarian quality, the read- er services, copyright protection and information security and so on. Finally, the library must be smooth the trend of the times. Big data strategy should be formulated advancedly. Train the human resource and bring the talented person. Make more attention to the construction of special resources. Introduce or develop the data mining and analysis tools. Strengthen research and user in- teractive data utilization. Throngh these measures, it can make the library more and more hommization.
作者 康春鹏 杜蕊
出处 《现代情报》 CSSCI 2014年第5期47-49,55,共4页 Journal of Modern Information
基金 北京高校图书馆研究基金项目"物联网技术在未来图书馆中的应用研究"科研成果之一
关键词 大数据 图书馆 数据分析 数字资源 big date library data analysis digital resources
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