为进一步了解红树林区大型底栖动物群落与红树林生境之间的关系,2006年4、7、10月和2007年1月月底分别对集美凤林和翔安山后亭人工种植红树林区大型底栖动物进行了定量调查.主要研究结果如下:2006-2007年于集美凤林和翔安山后亭人工种植红树林区分别采集获得大型底栖动物65种和68种.凤林和山后亭红树林区4个季度大型底栖动物年平均栖息密度分别为5 575.1和1 625.6ind·m-2;年平均生物量分别为85.60和50.59g·m-2.大型底栖动物的年平均栖息密度、年平均生物量方面凤林红树林区均高于山后亭.大型底栖动物群落组成、年平均栖息密度和年平均生物量的差异主要与两片红树林区的沉积物粒径和有机质含量有关.集美凤林红树林区沉积物中有机质含量较高、底质粒径较细,为机会种沼蚓(Limnodriloides sp.)提供了合适的栖息环境;而翔安山后亭红树林区沉积物中有机质含量较低、底质粒径较粗,更适合甲壳类穴居和潜居.
In order to further understand the relationship between mangrove habitat and macrofaunal community,macrofaunal sampling was carried out at Fenglin and Shanhouting mangrove wetlands in Tong' an Bay in April,July,October of 2006 and January of 2007, respectively.The main resuhs were shown as follows: 65 and 68 species of macrofauna were obtained in Fenglin and Shanhouting mangrove wetlands, respectively. And the annual mean abundance of macrofauna in Fenglin and Shanhouting were 5 575.1 ind · m^-2 and 1 625.6 ind · m^-2; the annual mean biomass of macrofauna in Fenglin and Shanhouting were 85.60 g · m^-2 and 50.59 g· m^-2.Both the annual average abundance and biomass of macrofauna in Fenglin were higher than those in Shanhouting. Difference on macrofaunal community composition,annual average abundance and biomass obviously related to the sediment grain size and organic matter content.Finer sediment particle size and higher organic matter content of sediment in Fenglin mangrove wetland provide a suitable habitat for the opportunistic species such as Limnodriloides sp. ,while in Shanhouting mangrove wetland with lower organic matter content and coarser sediment grain size, the habitat is more suitable for crustaceans who prefer caving and excavating.
Journal of Quanzhou Normal University