目的研究乳房早期护理对早产儿产妇泌乳的影响。方法选取2013年1月至2013年4月内蒙古医科大学附属医院早产自然分娩的母婴同室住院产妇共80例,按照随机原则分为两组,实验组40例,对照组40例,实验组在产后6 h开始每隔3 h进行1次乳房热敷、按摩,对照组按常规在乳房发生肿胀时给予对症护理。观察两组产妇的泌乳始动时间、泌乳量和乳房肿胀发生情况。结果实验组产妇泌乳始动时间提前、泌乳量增多、乳房肿胀的发生减少,与对照组比较均有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论通过对早产儿产妇乳房的早期定时护理使早产儿产妇泌乳始动时间提前、泌乳量增多、乳房肿胀的发生减少,提高早产儿母乳喂养的成功率。
Objective:To research the breast early care,s influence on lactation of premature maternal. Methods:Choose 80 cases of maternal in the same room with the neonatal who deliver spontaneous premature in medical university affiliated hospital of Inner Mongolia between January 2013 and April 2013,they were divided into two groups in accordance with the principle of random, the experimental group has 40 cases,the control group has 40 cases, The experimental group began with hot compress and massage breast in postpartum 6 h,after then which is taken every 3h, the control group gives symptomatic care in routine when the breast swelling. Observe two groups of maternal lactation initiating time, amount of lactation, and instance of breast swelling. Results:Experimental maternal lactation initiating time started ahead of time, lactation quantity increased, the instance of breast decreased, comparing with the control group has significant difference(P 0.05).Conclusion:Through the early care on premature infants with maternal breast makes the premature maternal lactation starting ahead of time,lactation quantity increased, the instance of breast swelling decreased,the success rate of premature breastfeeding improved.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal
breast early care pre-term infant lactation