2号高炉于 1 997年 3月底停炉大修 ,这次大修采用了无料钟炉顶 ,霍戈文内燃式高温热风炉等新技术 ,强化进程较快 ,通过技术攻关 ,实现了单铁口不放上渣冶炼 ,风口损坏较少 ,利用系数达2 .0 ,煤比 1 0 0kg t,入炉焦比 4 1 0kg t,技术经济指标水平比上一代显著提高。
The No.2 BF has been blown down in March 1997.In the project advanced technologies such as bell less top and Hoogovens internal combustion type high temperature hot stove have been adopted,and as results,the strengthening process has been accelerated,ironmaking without discharging upper slag in the single tap hole realized,wearing of tuyeres reduced and utilization coefficiency of 2.0,coal ratio 100?kg/t and coke ratio 410?kg/t achieved and the technical index raised drastically over the previous generation.
Wisco Technology